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The causes of toothache

No one likes a toothache

A toothache is one of the most common reasons that people attend the Dentist.

At the best of times a toothache may be a slight niggle or at its worst it can be an excruciating pain which cannot be relieved. Obviously as dental professionals we aim to avoid any tooth pain altogether, however we do work hard to manage any pain or discomfort straight away.

What is the cause of that tooth pain though? The most common answer is decay. Although tooth decay could be the reason there are other causes of a toothache that are not as commonly known.


Bruxism is the involuntary clenching or grinding of the teeth. It mainly occurs during sleep however can be experienced while you are awake. Over time bruxism wears the enamel which can lead to tooth pain or sensitivity. Constant grinding or clenching of the teeth can lead

to wear, breakage/cracks, jaw disorders, headaches and muscle soreness. The pressure created by locking your teeth together with a force can be 5 times greater than when eating hard foods.


An abscessed tooth means there is infection within and surrounding the tooth. A tooth abscess is the result of its pulp (nerve and blood supply of the tooth) dying. The infection/abscess then develops at the end of the tooth root between the bone and supporting structures. The abscess can then bring on intense and severe pain due to internal pressure of the surrounding nerves and tissues. An abscess can also lead to inflammation and fever if not treated.  In extreme cases infection can even spread throughout the body. It is therefore important that an abscess be treated as soon as possible to avoid further health implications.

Gum disease

Gum disease or periodontal disease is inflammation and infection of the gums. The gums become inflamed due to plaque or calculus building up on the teeth. The initial stage of gum disease is known as gingivitis which is reversible and can be addressed with improved oral hygiene. If left untreated periodontitis can establish. Periodontitis is a severe infection that gradually deteriorates the jaw bone and result in tooth mobility or loss.


Only your dentist can adequately determine the cause of a toothache and develop an appropriate treatment plan for you. Remember with most dental conditions that prevention is always better then cure. Early detection of conditions will always result in a better outcome for your smile. Routine check-ups and hygiene appointments at Dentalspa will lead to a healthy and happy smile.

By Ashleigh Lilly

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